How to Ease Feet & Ankle Pain after Skating

Roller skating is considered one of the most thrilling and fun sports activities one can do.
However, like any type of sport, it can end up with some pains and aches if you are not careful. One common complaint from skaters is experiencing foot ache or soreness.
Luckily, this is easy to treat. Below are some tips on relieving ankle and foot pain after skating.

Disclaimer: all the information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a doctor for personalized guidance.

Common Reasons for Foot and Ankle Pain after skating

Roller skating is considered an excellent low-impact type of workout. However, if you suffer pain while doing this activity, you might need to adjust the skates.
Indeed, always consult a doctor if you begin a new sport or suffer from issues when exercising.


Like going on hours of hike or wearing new shoes, roller skating can lead to blisters from the resistance between the skate boot and your foot. Ensuring you are wearing well-fitted skates is vital. However, you can also avoid blisters by following the tips below:

  • Try to wear layering socks or thick socks.
  • Add moleskin cushioning to the sections of the skate, which are causing foot irritation.
  • Keep feet dry with high-quality or superior moisture-wicking socks or utilize talcum powder.

Lace Bite

The most common cause of ankle or foot pain is tongue bite or lace bite, and it is relatively much what you would look forward to the name. Taut lacing on the skate can cause it to cut into the tendons of the foot, thus the bite. Generally, the pain is sharp and can take place on the top of your foot from the toes up to the façade of your ankle and, in most instances, even up the shin.

Usually, this is caused by using skate laced extremely tightly, skating hard after a time of not skating, skating in a newly bought roller skate that is not broken in yet, or skating in an outdated skate that doesn’t have proper support or structure. Usually, a few minutes of rest and icing the area affected by the lace bite will assist in getting rid of it fast. To put lace bite at bay, you have to follow these tips.

Wish to learn how to lace roller skates properly? click on the link and learn!


nkle Pain after Skating

Utilize different lacing methods to redistribute the stress on ankle and foot

Break in new roller skates over time. Try to wear your roller skates a couple of minutes a day in your houses, increasing day by day. Skate for a couple of minutes and then return to an old pair, work the way up until the new skate is slowly broken in.
It also helps a lot in investing in high-quality roller skates. A cheapskate is a lack of support required to skate comfortably that you might be trying to compensate for by lacing them strongly and forcefully.

Ankle Sprains and Strains

Ankle pain after skating following a fall might show a sprain or strain. Strains refer to the tearing or stretching of ankle tendons or muscles. However, with a sprain, the ligaments connect the bones in the ankles that are torn or stretched. You might sense a pop in your joint as the sprain happens. Signs of both sprains and strains include swelling, pain, and a restricted capability to move a muscle or joint affected by the sprain. You can treat ankle strains or sprains using the technique called R.I.C.E. Rest from the sports activity that caused the ankle injury, apply ice for twenty minutes every couple of hours, cover the ankle in a compression bandage, and make sure that it is elevated above the heart level. If you cannot work even a few steps, cannot move your ankle, or experiencing numbness, or there is reddened skin, or the signs do not improve in spite of self-care, consult a doctor.

Massaging your ankle

Massaging your ankle or feet assists in decreasing stress and improving blood circulation. Plus, it really feels good. There are a lot of different massage tools available on the market today, particularly made for foot pain and sprain. If you can’t wait to ease the ache and strain, you just place a tennis ball on the floor and roll the foot back and forth on it. Always remember that a massage must not hurt your ankle or foot, so you have to be gentle but apply enough pressure to help lessen any foot pain you might be experiencing.

Our body is made up of an interconnective chain of tendons, muscles as well as ligaments that all impact each other. This is evident with regard to performance and pain. When the whole is in balance, movement is painless, almost effortless.
A lot of ankle pain after skating and injuries can be avoided or alleviated by wearing suitable skates with the right level of flexibility. The boot should be stiff enough to give support but not very stiff, avoiding right flexion.

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Welcome to Skates of Glory! Join us as we dive into the roller skating world, sharing insights, tips, and inspiration for skaters of all levels. Let's roll together and embrace the skate life!

Oliver Harris
Greetings fellow skater, I'm Oliver Harris!

Hello, I am Oliver Harris, a skilled roller skater with expertise in roller derby and speed skating who brings years of experience and contagious enthusiasm to Skates of Glory.

Emma Moore
Hey there fellow skater, my name is Emma Moore

I am Emma Moore, an accomplished artistic roller skater and professional coach who combines sports psychology with my passion for skating.

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